Saturday, November 30, 2019
Rembrandts La Petite Tombe Essay Example
Rembrandts La Petite Tombe Essay According to some philosophers La Petite Tombe would most probably be considered a great work of art, this is my opinion too. Rembrandt is one of very few painters known around the world and valued as an addition to human history. Praised by the art world long time ago and until today. It also considers Rembrandts work as great, professional, expressive and impressive. However its greatness can be analyzed and criticized, which I will try to do in this paper. Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Riju was born July 15, 1606 in the town of Leiden, Netherlands. One of the seven children he was the only one who received Higher Education, all of his siblings went into trade. Leiden was a University town with favorable education atmosphere. Upon graduating from the Leiden high school where students primarily learned Latin, and true religion (Calvinistic Protestantism) Rembrandt enrolled into a Leiden University, which by 1620s was internationally renowned. Not very eager for education he pretty soon became an apprentice of Jacob Isaacszoon Swandenburgh, and showed promise in painting, so his father found it good to apprentice him and to take him to the renowned painter P. Listman, residing in Amsterdam so that he might advance himself and be better trained and educated. During the seventeens century history painters enjoyed the highest prestige, higher even then portrait painters. Since history painters could give their imagination a certain freedom, depict and arrange their compositions as they please. In comparison portrait painters had little variation to work with to express themselves. This is why Rembrandt wanted to become a history, or religion painter. This era would probably be more favored by Tolstoy then by Plato. Although the paintings still presented the objects close or were identical to what we see in life, the fantasy of the artists began to take over the order of the objects, leaning t
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Discuss how the passage of time is presented in the first chapters of The Mayor of Casterbridge. What effect does it have on the characters Essays
Discuss how the passage of time is presented in the first chapters of The Mayor of Casterbridge. What effect does it have on the characters Essays Discuss how the passage of time is presented in the first chapters of The Mayor of Casterbridge. What effect does it have on the characters Essay Discuss how the passage of time is presented in the first chapters of The Mayor of Casterbridge. What effect does it have on the characters Essay This essay will answer the preceding question by discussing how the key characters and places develop and are affected by the passage of time in the first few chapters of the book. The author of the book is Thomas Hardy, a very descriptive writer, although this is one of his faster paced books. It was written in the 1880s and is set in the 1830s.The book begins with Michael Henchard walking along a dusty road with his wife Susan. She is carrying a baby called Elizabeth -Jane. After getting to the fair taking place in the village Henchard becomes drunk and sells his wife. The next day he regrets what he has done and consequently swears an oath that he will not touch a drop of liquor for 21 years. At this point in the book (chapters 2-3) there is an 18 year gap in the book.The book is set in the summer of around 1830 we know this because before the 19th century had reached one-third of its span. As it was set in the 1830s the landscape would have been very diffe rent from today. This is demonstrated from the start of the book.Michael and Susan Henchard are plainly but not ill clad This tells us that they are not badly off. On the other hand they are covered in a thick hoar of dust telling us that the roads are unpaved. This also implies that although the Henchards are not badly off they cannot afford transport indicating that it is still expensive at this time. Henchard is described as of fine figure, swarthy, and stern in aspect. His clothing is old fashioned short jacket of brown corduroy and a waistcoat with white horn buttons. He is described as a skilled countryman and a general labourer. He seems an old fashioned man who does not welcome change. The couple do not communicate and the book comments on the perfect silence they preserved. They do not seem to have a good relationship but seemed to have no idea of taking his arm, nor he of offering it. This is portrayed as a normal state as she appeared to receive it as a natural thing. Sus an Henchard is carrying a baby called Elizabeth-Jane.As the Henchards continue they come across a Turnip-Hoer implying that the residents still live off the land a rural village. The hoer is very pecimistic about the state of the village Weydon-Priors there were four houses cleared away last year and three this. This pecimism that trade in the village is dwindling due to the continuingly growing amount of trade going to the bigger towns. There are further signs of decline at the village fair Which showed standing-places and pens where many hundreds of horses and sheep had been exhibited and sold in the forenoon, but were now in a great part taken away.They enter a furmity tent. Henchard has his furmity laced, becomes drunk and begins to talk about selling is wife. We can tell his wife is used to this kind of thing because she seems accustomed to these remarks. She does not argue with him about these harsh words demonstrating what a quiet person she is. The furmity lady is described as a haggish witch whose pot stood on three legs as she stirred with a large spoon. She might have been in control of the situation as Henchard went on to sell his wife.The following morning Henchard wakes up and finds his wifes ring on the floor confirming his suspicion that the happenings of last night were not merely a bad dream. He had sold his wife to a sailor called Newson who represented the modern world. Hardy emphasises this by choosing a name that can be broken down into New son. This is ironic as Henchard is anti change and the new world.As Henchard emerges from the tent and looks around him he starts to notice things that two tired walkers may not have done. On one side there was an open down plantation. On the other, upland stretching away down into valleys dotted with burrows and trenched with the remains of a pre-historic fort showing us that there has been people living here for thousands of years and how time has turned the forts into ruins. This all gives it a sens e of history, time passing and its effects. Henchard left the village and came to a small chapel where he swore an oath that he would not touch a drop of liquor for 21 years. He left and there is an 18-year gap in the Book.Now two people both adults walked along the little road leading to Weydon Priors. The first was Susan who had aged significantly and now was an old women of about 40 whose skin had undergone textural change demonstrating the number of years that had passed. The other was Elizabeth-Jane who was now of a similar age to Susan when shed last walked along the road. These two demonstrated the passage of time perfectly. Both are wearing black and we discover the reason for this as we get to the fair. Mr Newson was lost at sea and presumed dead, so Susan has decided to look for Henchard. As the book approaches the fair we learn that its trade has continued to dwindle and this is demonstrated by the once successful furmity lady.There is no tent and now she sat on the floor with only her pot for company grovelling for every halfpenny. This shows that despite the locals attempts keep things the way they were the real trade is no in the cities demonstrating the unstoppable power of time and progress. The furmity lady does not remember such an insignificant thing as the sale of a wife saying if it had of been a big thing showing the attitude towards such things at the time. She did however remember Henchard returning and saying that if a women ever asked he was in Casterbridge.On arrival at Casterbridge they were met by a great wall of trees a dense stockdale of limes and chestnuts which represented a wall between present and past. They walked on for a bit and soon found themselves in one of the main shopping streets and noticed that the shops were largely agricultural horse-embrocations at the chemists; at the glovers and the leather-cutters, hedging-gloves, thatchers kneecaps ploughmens leggings, villagers pattens and clogs. It was almost as if Casterb ridge had stood still unaffected by the passage of time.As the story develops we find that Henchard is now the Mayor of Casterbridge. We also see that Henchard has kept his vow and his liquor glasses are not filled. Despite being Mayor Henchard has lost none of his love of tradition. He still does everything the old fashioned way from the clothes that he wore to the way that he runs the town. At this point in the story the other main character Donald Farfrae a Scot is introduced. Farfrae is the very opposite of Henchard. He is a traveller in search of wealth and possesses the intelligence that Henchard is missing In my business tis true that strength and and bustle build up a firm. But judgement and knowledge are what keeps it established. Unluckily, I am bad at Science, Farfrae; bad at figures a rule of thumb sort of man. You are just the reverse. Elizabeth-Jane goes on to marry Farfrae but faults of Character and his guilty past aswell as change in commerce eventually drag him do wn.In conclusion, although people tried to keep things as they always had been the passage of time is unstoppable and the victims of it are the people. Weydon Priors resources had gradually gone to the towns and cities and it had continued to decline. Hardys view was that time had been unkind to Susan who had a troublesome and disturbing life. The most successful person at stopping the progress of time was Henchard who managed to keep himself and the town of Casterbridge the same for 20 years. Time however eventually dragged him down too as he was unable to adapt to changes in rural commerce. For the most part time is portrayed as an unstoppable force that preys on the people around it.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Free sample - What is your motivation for pursuing an MBA. translation missing
What is your motivation for pursuing an MBA. What is your motivation for pursuing an MBAWhat is your motivation for pursuing an MBA now and how will UCLA Anderson help you to achieve your goals? Today’s world is a business arena and most of the people hold a keen desire to have a successful business. Yet without professional knowledge one can’t run a successful business. Entrepreneurs as well as corporate executives and managers require professional soundness and expertise to conduct any business successfully. For that a sound academic background is a must which can not come without a professional degree. MBA degree gives an edge over others who don’t have it. It provides ample opportunities to learn ins and outs of business and global corporate practices. Everybody wants to pursue a brighter career path and I think an MBA degree is a prerequisite for building a good business career. From the early stage of my life, I aspire to start a business of my own. Becoming my own boss is my only dream. This is a fact that business can be started with trial and error mode but profitability can not be assured like this. To be successful profound knowledge and practical experience is a must which only an MBA program can offer. This degree gives an added advantage in all the phases of life. Learning from this formal education builds confidence and enable the person to take challenge and critical decision at the right time. MBA degree holders always get preference in the business environment and are treated as stars. Thus, pursuing an MBA before starting my career is a necessity. UCLA Anderson is one of the best management schools all over the world. Students get renowned faculty with enriched labs, libraries and other academic facilities. The MBA curriculum of UCLA Anderson is quite unique and focuses on the individual preferences and choices. Students are nurtured in a way that enables them to cope with work challenges and competitive business world. The world class environment and highly skilled educators and researchers of this institute helps to expose the hidden talent of the students. Throughout the MBA program, students are groomed with practical assignments, case studies and term papers which help them learn managerial techniques. This grooms their decision making abilities by enhancing their understanding about various issues. Those renowned faculties share their own practical experiences in the field of finance, marketing, management, human resource management, accounting, operation research, organization behavior from which students get benefited. The program is designed to enhance the quality and skills which helps the students to become the future head of any organization. The leadership skill of the MBA students of UCLA Anderson is evident from the fact that many top corporate managers and executives have this degree from this institute. MBA students become so adept about the business that they can withstand any challenging situation. An MBA graduate is expected to be the master of any business activity and it is only possible with a sound academic background and practical knowledge. I believe the MBA program of UCLA Anderson help students to become the masters in the business field. Its curriculum is said to be the best which not only equip students with theoretical knowledge but also the practical stuff which is of great importance while dealing with any challenging situations. UCLA Anderson produces future business leaders, highly profound government officials and organization heads that are capable of making right decision at the right time. The MBA graduates enjoy being a part of a community of 36000 worldwide alumni networks. The interaction among the faculties and students is so good that all become a family which gives rise to a knowledgeable and learned community. Even after the completion of the program UCLA Anderson graduates are seen in various reunions and get together programs. It is the practicality and reliability of UCLA Anderson MBA program which makes it my dream to be a part of this renowned family by enrolling myself in the program. The World class education of UCLA Anderson and the academic environment will surely help me develop my managerial skills. I can apply those skills and education in the operating area when I will engage myself in the business. Graduates of this program established themselves in various fields and working in different multinational organizations countrywide and abroad. The higher demand of UCLA Anderson MBA program in the job market inspires me to undertake the course in this institute. Since the course is customized to the needs and choices of the students, it will help me explore my capability and talents. I believe I will materialize my dream of becoming a future organization head if UCLA Anderson becomes my mentor.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Fukushima Daiichi disaster and the future implications for Research Paper
The Fukushima Daiichi disaster and the future implications for building new nuclear power plants in the United States - Research Paper Example The calamity was observed to have taken place in the eastern coast, Tohoku in Japan. The severe tremors of the quake were experienced at Fukushima as well (American Nuclear Society, 2012). The above mentioned catastrophe was later found to have significantly affected the ‘nuclear power station’ or rather the nuclear plant that is situated at Fukushima Daiichi in Japan. This disaster was believed to have triggered the most far-reaching ejection of radioactivity in contrast to the Chernobyl mishap that took place in 1986. This particular radioactivity release was considered to be even shoddier than the case or disaster of Three Mile Island that took place in 1979 in the United States. However, the occurrence of Fukushima Daiichi was considered to differ from the stated incidents of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island as the devastation that occurred at Fukushima was learnt to be triggered owing to natural tragedies which was a massive earthquake chased by tsunami. The discharg e of the radioactive gases was regarded as a consequence of the natural disaster rather than any malfunction with regard to the equipments and even ruled out any chances of human faults. The tsunami was measured to have ruptured the systems that helped in providing backup power and which were required for the reason of cooling down the reactors that were present in the definite plant. The breakdowns of the backup systems as a result made a large number of those reactors go through hydrogen explosions, fuel melting and ultimately radioactive releases (Holt, Campbell, & Nikitin, 2012). The paper will intend to focus on the present situation of the mishap that occurred at Fukushima Daiichi along with providing an insight into the various policies or stands taken by the US after this incident. The Accident at Fukushima Daiichi in Japan The earthquake that took place in March, 2011 in the eastern coast of the island Honshu in Japan resulted in initiating a mechanical shutdown of around e leven nuclear plants out of fifty five. Majority of the shutdowns were found to have carried on without any kind of further events. However, the Fukushima and the Onagwa nuclear plants were found to be the ones that were closely located towards the epicenter owing to which severe damages were suffered by those plants. The plant at Fukushima Daiichi, as a result of the earthquake, accompanied with the tsunami experienced hydrogen outbursts and grave damages in relation to nuclear fuel which triggered the discharge of a noteworthy quantity of radioactive elements in the surrounding environment (Holt, Campbell, & Nikitin, 2012). The contamination of the surrounding environment, with the radioactive elements that originated from the plants, compelled the moving out of communities from the adjacent or the neighboring areas till 25 miles. The forceful move out of the communities resulted in disturbing the regular life of around 100,000 residents, majority of whom were believed to remain b anned from accessing their respective homes for an indefinite period. The evacuation activities made in this context are considered to have checked the degree of radiation exposure with regard to the concerned population from surpassing the Japanese authoritarian boundaries in majority of the incidences. However, the consequences of the exposure to the radioactive gases with regard to the residents were measured not to be quite grave. Future deaths as well as
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Toyota - The Rise of a Global Corporation Essay
Toyota - The Rise of a Global Corporation - Essay Example In this paper provides the answers to five questions of the case study Toyota: The Rise of a Global Corporation. 1. Toyota after the 1950’s when its production began to increase that it could not afford to follow the American model of manufacturing most parts in-house. The firm did not like the American model because it created numerous inefficiencies. Toyota decided that to follow a model of outsourcing work and keeping close relationships with its suppliers. Among the inefficiencies that Toyota identified from the American model that the company could avoid by outsourcing are: 1) high capital expenditures need to increase the manufacturing capacity to create components and parts, 2) reduce the risk by maintaining low manufacturing capacity in case of a slump in auto sales, 3) Ability to take advantage of lower labor costs of small firms (Hill, 2007). The company created the tight relationship with its suppliers. The company when a step further by investing between 20% to 40% stake in the operations of many of its suppliers. This allowed to company to work in alliance with the suppliers and implement its Kaban system with the suppliers to share information and minimize inventory stocks. The company practically eliminated the need for a buffer inventory count. Outsourcing in the 21st century has become a vital strategy in order to take full advantage of the globalization movement (Kotler, 2002) Some of the drawbacks of the system were the need to invest money in other companies. Another drawback of the system is that buying auto parts ends up raising the cost of the vehicle since the parts themselves is a cheaper alternative. 2. In 1981 the United States government put a strain on the capacity of Japanese auto manufacturers to import autos by establishing a voluntary import quota. The quota places a limit on the amount of auto import that could enter the US market. The agreement the Japanese government entered into limited the number of Japanese auto imports to 1,680,000 units per year (Copper, 2009)Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
D1 Pest Analaysis of Tesco Essay Example for Free
D1 Pest Analaysis of Tesco Essay Social There have been many changes over last 40 years .Customer possess mobile and car, Tesco has responded to this change by developing extra stores with larger parks. Customers want one stop shopping. Tesco has responded to this by making sure that their stock has nearly got everything a customer might need. Over last 40 years travellers have been abroad to try and taste different foods. Tesco has responded to this change by increasing the range of foreign food such as Mexican, Chinese and Indian etc. Because of the large ethnic populations that have moved to the UK, this encouraged Tesco to increase the range of foreign. When microwaves were launched and people have started buying them. Tesco has responded to this change by introducing frozen foods. Political Customers are wishing to eat to healthier, Tesco has responded to this by making sure the products are healthy and by putting labels on the product. Customers want to shop more conveniently, Tesco has responded to by offering convenient time including 24 hour shopping and six hours on Sunday. Many customers do not want food that has been grown using chemicals, they want to natural food. Tesco has responded to this change by introducing organic food ranges. Tesco is restricted by law from growing too overcome this they have begun to offer more services. Recession has been biggest political factor as a lot of countries suffer unemployment; Tesco has responded to this change by offering more employment as this will reduce the amount of people who are unemployed. Economical Customers want to shop in a pleasant and clean environment, Tesco has responded to this change by making their shops light and attractive. The government wants everyone to be environmentally aware, Tesco has responded by increasing the amount of recyclable packing that they use for their products. Tesco is also reducing the number of free plastic bags they give away. They have built small local stores called Tesco express to respond to customers’ needs to shop more conveniently. Tesco has responded to local needs by helping community projects. They have also responded to the large amount of people who are unemployed offering them employment this allows people to work around family commitment. Tesco’s prices may reflect inflation rates, an increase in inflation will Technology Customers have been using the internet as a source of information, Tesco has capitalised this by offering online shopping at mean and increase in prices and a decrease in inflation will mean prices reduce. Tesco is also providing through the use of online delivery services. Customers are paying with debit cards than with cash, Tesco has responded to this change by introducing self-service check outs. This change is much quicker and easier for the customers.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Basketball and My Life Essay -- Personal Narratives Sports Athletics E
Basketball and my life I have throughout my whole life been playing sports. I still play basketball competitively and now it’s at the university level. Basketball though was not my first love when it came to playing sports. It has though become my true focus since junior high school. Coming from Canada everybody plays hockey. Its almost as if as soon as you learn to walk you learn how to skate. Whether it is at the recreation centre or at the shinny rink around the corner everyone plays. Eventually I abandoned hockey to play basketball which I have done so for the last twelve years of my life and hopefully a few more years into the future. It happened watching it on television seeing all the great players such as Michael Jordan, Hakeem Olajuwon and Larry Bird. The most important influence would have had to been my mother who in her younger years played basketball for the Canadian junior national team. It was when she was playing at the gym I would tag along and just play around. Although I played both basketball and hockey until grade seven it just seemed I was better suited for basketball. With that rate that I had been growing at I was taller and with all the help that I received from my mom I had developed basketball wise much faster than many of the other children my age. Once I became focused on just one sport I started to strive to become like those aforementioned players. Soon though I realized that only a select and lucky few will ever become as great as them and get a chance to play in the NBA. But I never lost my drive to become the best player that I could become. I tried to achieve this by spending all my free hours in the gym working on all aspects of my game. All the time and effort paid off. Th... ...een able to do that. I have been averaging ten points and six rebounds more than anyone expected from me when I arrived here in Flagstaff at the beginning of the year, no one was even expecting me to even play. With the way that I have been able to play another door has opened up for me that I once thought was nearly impossible. That is the chance to play on the Canadian junior national team like my mother once did. This would be a great accomplishment for myself as well for all of my coaches that have helped me to reach my potential and get me to where I am today. And as my focus has changed from hockey when I was a child to basketball now many new doors have opened for me and I am very thankful. But it’s not over yet as I hope one day to play for my national basketball team and if all works out well maybe get a chance to get paid to play the game that I love.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Appreciation of ‘The Tyger’ Essay
Subject matter Blake is this poem gives a description of the tiger, describing vividly its appearance, its structure, its beauty and its terror. As well as describing the tiger, the poet also tries to explain how he pictures the creation of the tiger, as well as the terror of the creator (who created such a fearsome and awesome creature). Purpose The poet’s purpose in this poem is to describe something that fascinates him. The tiger in his view is a powerful, yet beautiful creature, a creature so powerful that it is terrifying. However, the poet also attempts to comprehend its creator, God. He shows that if the creation is powerful and terrifying, and asks the question how powerful must be the creator? The poet clearly expresses that he is very afraid of the power of God, and what God is able to do. Throughout the poem the poet expresses his admiration, his wonder and his fear, this poem is as much a study of the tiger as a study of God. Emotion Though the poem is mostly descriptive, the poet gives the reader some clues of the emotions that he feels. On the face of this poem, it seems to be a poem about a nature. However, looking further into the poem one can see that the poem is a very religious poem. One of the most dominant emotion that one can feel when reading the poem is the wonder and awe. Whether it is at the tiger or at God, Blake shows much wonder; as shown in the extract in verse 1: ‘And what shoulder & what art, Could twist thy heart?’ Blake describes the colours of the tiger’s fur as ‘burning’, as though the fur of the tiger was a fire itself. This fire is carried on into verse two where Blake describes that there is a fire burning in the eyes of the tiger.. In line 3 and 4 of verse 1 Blake turns his attention to the creator: ‘What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry.’ His wonders about what the hands and eyes of God are like. Blake sees the tiger as a creation of a great craftsman, a work of art. The most important parts of a craftsman are his eyes and his hands. They are a craftsman’s most important tools, allowing him to craft the image he has in his imagination. This idea could have been influenced by Blake’s work as a engraver. The other dominant emotion in the poem is the fear shown by Blake. His is very afraid of the tiger. Yet his is even more afraid of God the creator of such an awesome beast. This is a sometimes a feature of Christians to be ‘God-fearing’ people. This fear can be seen in the following extracts: ‘What dread hand? & what dread feet?’ ‘In what furnace was thy brain?’ ‘Dare its deadly terrors clasp’ The extracts above show how much Blake fears the tiger. He is afraid of the tiger’s claws, and the image in Blake’s mind is a beast created from the furnace of heaven and hammered out by a master craftsman. This dreaded ferocious inspires much fear in Blake, even though he admires its beauty ‘What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry.’ Blake tries to imagine the power required to create the tiger. He tries to picture what being could create the tiger. The picture of this powerful and yet very skilful craftsman is very daunting to Blake. What person would dare take this fearsome beast out of the furnaces, hammer it into an elegant yet very potent shape. What person could twist the shape of the sinews of the tiger’s heart and create a burning fur coat and burning eyes? The image of this creation is very frightful to Blake, let alone the God, the person who hammered, twisted, and shaped this beast. It should also be noted the ‘could’ was replaced with ‘dare’. This shows that first Blake only thought about the ability, skill, power and strength needed to create the tiger. Later on at the end of the poem, Blake is thinking about the nerve and the daring required to create the tiger. Craftsmanship Structure The poem has a very regular structure, it is divided into six stanzas, each with four lines. The first stanza is repeated in the last stanza but ‘could’ in line four is replaced with ‘dare’. Each line is approximately the same length in words and syllables. Each stanza is used to address one point about God or the tiger. The poem seems also to be structured in the thought process of the poet. First he looks at the tiger itself, describing its prominent features. The poem then tries to picture the creation process of the tiger, and the workshop of this great craftsman. The poet then tries to move on to this creator or craftsman himself. He wonders whether God was content with this creation, and wonders about the more heavenly creature: the stars and the angels. Language The language used in the poem is very vocative. Throughout the poem the poet seems to be talking to the tiger. He seems to be enquiring about the origins of the tiger: ‘What the hammer? What the chain? In what furnace was thy brain?’ He is asking the tiger as though the tiger is a friend of the poet (the use of thou and thee). The poet seems to the reader as a thinker trying to find out the answer to a very difficult question. The poet is asking questions that can not be answered for very little is known about God. The language is also very striking, very vivid and effective. The language catch the reader’s attention and is imaginative. It is very appropriate to the poem itself, the language increases the fear and adds effect to the wonder. The words does deliver the message that the poet intends. Much of the language helps to strike the fear into the minds of the readers. When reading this poem, one can not help but feel a sense of awe to the tiger and God. Imagery In the poem there are no striking examples of similes and metaphors, but the poet does use a large amount of personification. He personifies God as a craftsman or a blacksmith: ‘And what shoulder & what art, Could twist the sinews of thy heart? The poet seems to apply his own life experiences to his image of God. He sees God as this craftsman working by a furnace like himself. He sees the material the God uses to create as metallic. In the process of creation, God works like a blacksmith, heating the metal until the critical point is reached, the metal is then taken out and hammered into shape. This process repeats until the perfect shape is reached. Once the work is finished, God must be pleased and proud of his creations like other artists. The poet also personifies the tiger, addressing the tiger as if the tiger was able to understand him. He asks the tiger questions as though the tiger was able to answer him and explain to him what the poet does not understand. The poet also personifies the stars: ‘When the stars threw down their spears , And watered the heavens with their tears;’ The poet sees the stars as the angels of heaven, throwing down their weapons and crying at such a wonderful creation. The poet makes the reader see God as a human with tow sides, power and the strength represented by the tiger, while the gentle caring side represented by the lamb. This in many ways is the symbolism used throughout the poem by the poet. Movement There is not real rhythm or movement to the poem itself. There are no real rhythmic qualities in the poem. However, when read out loud, the poem should be read out slowly, and loudly. This adds to the effect of the poem, it gives one more time to process the carefully chose words. It would make the poem more effective and allow the listener to truly appreciate the poem. Sounds The most significant sound feature of the poem is its rhyming scheme. Each stanza rhymes in the form of AABB, with the exception of the last line of the first and last stanza of the poem. The poet uses neither onomatopoeia nor alliteration nor assonance. In fact the poem uses very little sound features. I do however think that onomatopoeia could have been used to help the reader to imagine the sounds of this great workshop that Blake pictures in his mind. It would help the reader reach a better level of understanding. It would have also made the poem more affective. The poem is very strong with the visual part of the imagery, however, without the sounds, the perception of the poet’s idea is incomplete. For example, if the poet included the bangs, clangs of the workshop, or even included the growls and the roars of the tiger. This would have increased one’s sense of wonder and awe. Other sound features such as alliteration and assonance, I feel, would not have been as effective and would not have helped the understanding of the poet’s imagination. Summary The poem has had a very strong impact on me. The poem has made me aware that the world is made up of fierceness and strength (shown in the tiger) as well as gentleness and peace (as shown in the lamb). Blake’s tiger is a very terrifying and dynamic creation, which apart from being seen to represent the fiercer side of God, could also be seen to represent the forces of evil lurking in our world. This evil seems to be able to hide in the cover of the darkness of the night, and haunts our minds through our dreams and especially our nightmares. Blake’s lamb (Did he who made the lamb also make thee?) apart from being a symbol of Gods gentle and loving side, can also be seen as a symbol of all the good in the world; the caring, the love and the kindness shown in Jesus Christ himself. The poem, as I have already noted, is a very visual poem. Though it is read, the poem inspires us to try and picture what he sees. The words of the poem create very vivid, clear and striking images in the reader or listener’s minds. We see dynamic beast with awesome features, a skilful and great craftsman working laboriously in his great workshop. Inside the workshop burns a great furnace with huge and very hot fire. The craftsman hammers and twists the shape of the creation, and when finally he has completed this marvellous work, he is proud and smiles. The angels around this creator all weep and throw down their weapons at the sight of this marvel. The only flaw that I have noted is the lack of use of sound features. This poem, as I have already mentioned, would more complete if the reader can hear the sounds of the workshop and hear the weeps of the angels or even the deafening roars of the tiger as it first leaps out of the furnace as a complete creation. This does not flaw the poem in a significant way, but I feel that it would improve the poem and make the poem more effective Blake made use of sound features.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Hume Philosophy Paper
David Hume was an early 18th century philosopher that is best known for covering a variety of theories. He covered that reason alone cannot be a motive to the will, moral distinctions are not derived from reason and moral distinctions are direct from the moral sentiments [Treatise of Human Nature, 11]. â€Å"Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them†[T 2. 3. 3 p. 414] in his work A Treatise of Human Nature.Reason alone cannot motivate or oppose passion. â€Å"Reason is perfectly inert and can never either prevent or produce any action or affection†[Book 2, 265]; moral distinctions are not derived from reasons. Reason does not by itself constitute grounds for an action of desire. Reason only â€Å"intervenes to explain passion’s impulses to actions proceedings†and thus connecting between two elements [Book 3, pg. 296]. Passion can influence or even disregard reason on purpose to serve goals behind actions.Moral distinctions are â€Å"derived from feelings of pleasure and pain and not from reason†. Reason itself â€Å"cannot produce or prevent any action or affection and morals concern actions†and affections and therefore cannot be based on reason [Book 3, pg. 301]. Due to the idea that distinctions are not based on reason, Hume states that they are based on sentiments that are felt by moral sense This can be related to the study of how we are motivated to act morally and the role of practical reason in moral motivation.The role of reason is only to find out which means help achieve a given goal. Our goals are set by what Hume calls the passion and what today is mostly called desires. Reason is the â€Å"slave of passion†in the sense that it practical reason alone cannot give rise to moral motivation, but dependent on motivational force. Hume claims that â€Å"passions do not refer to external things†[Book 3 pg. 336] , but that they are an original existence. In other words, passions are the very substance of the self.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Most Disastrous Job Interviews [Video]
The Most Disastrous Job Interviews [Video] Maybe you’ve just come from what you consider the worst job interview of your life. First of all, relax, it (hopefully!) didn’t go as badly as you think. Second, realize that we’re all human, and everyone understands how nerve-wracking job interviews are. It’s okay not to be perfect- really. Have a laugh (or a cry?) a mashup of the most disastrous job interviews put to film. You’ll surely look like a superstar in comparison.You’ll get ’em next time, we promise!
Monday, November 4, 2019
challenge Faced BY Modern accommodation Manager
Modern accommodation agents and companies in the contemporary global world are facing various challenges. The issues related to contemporary accommodation problems can be linked to market demands, increased competition, technological advancements and customer needs (, 2017). Another global challenge that seems to be a major problem for accommodation agencies is the lack of sufficient availability of resources and utilization of the same resources. For instance, agencies may require adequate resources to build on the best satisfaction of their clients' needs. Accommodations department may also lack adequate support for management of their resources thus leading to mismanagement of the company available resources when resources are mismanaged especially in an entrepreneurial accommodation industry, other areas or departments within the organization are also likely to be affected since accommodation often entails several packages that are interrelated to each other. The aim of this assignment is to address factors related to accommodation challenges. The paper shall also discuss remedies for proper customer service in the accommodation industry. Outsourcing is a business strategy that entails duty or role sharing among companies or organizations. Outsourcing process occurs when an organization or an individual company takes the role of performing or providing products and services on behalf of other businesses (Wuyts, 2015).The most organization often applies the outsourcing strategy in the verge of saving costs. Outsourcing can be both beneficial and non-beneficial. Outsourcing may prove to be cost saving when properly utilized. Outsourcing is the most appropriate measure that hotel managers can take into consideration in ensuring that their customer needs are met. Outsourcing in hotel management is viable as it is aimed towards ensuring that clients get access to quality services from experts (Johnson et al. 2014). Outsourcing makes hotel management easier as it attracts more customers to the business chain because outsourcing is more often than not based on professional rather than just poor practices (Langer, Mani, and Srikanth, 2014). Large accommodation industries should consider adopting an outsourcing practice in the management of their business. This is because outsourcing will help the hotel cooperative to develop effective customer relations, maintain stability and increase the hotel income earnings. Departments That Can Utilize Outsourcing Departments that can use outsourcing in the hotel management industry are as follows; Outsourcing is an important approach to hotel industries; hotel managers should adopt outsourcing practices due to the following reasons. First, outsourcing enables managers to focus on primary business in the given department. Managers adopting the outsourcing practice perceive it as a more appropriate practice as services can be partially shared among specific qualified individuals or company thus ensuring quality (Gunasekaran, 2015). Secondly, outsourcing is an open approach as hotel managers can choose to delegate an entire or partial duty to an individual or other organizations. Nevertheless, partial outsourcing is often more encouraged in hotel industries so as to avoid disappointments in the delivery of services (Lacity and Willcocks, 2014). For instance, a hotel that conducts or connect to their customers via online platforms should consider outsourcing more than one IT system company; this will enable the hotel managers to maintain customer communication balance in case of failures of one of the departments. Thirdly, outsourcing helps hotel managers in establishing proper on-site assistance for employees thus leading to better performance. for example outsourcing of outside professionals to enhance employees professional skills promotes better and improved performance among the trained employees. Fourthly, outsourcing help bridge employees gap within the organization while at the same time saving on the capital costs. For example, partial outsourcing of services to other agencies helps reduce the work load of employees within the hotel. Outsourcing also helps in covering up for organizations that have few employees and ensures that employee’s workload is not overstretched (People matters. in, 2017) Fifthly, outsourcing in the hotel industry is a sure way of fulfilling customer demands satisfaction (Research, 2017). This is because outsourcing often involves engagement of qualified personnel in given areas thus promoting quality delivery of services to clients.  Finally, outsourcing ensures efficient operational services as it exposes the organization to different specialized vendor systems this allowing the hotel managers an opportunity to choose from the most preferred provider service. Drawbacks Of Moving To An Outsourced Organization The first drawback of outsourcing in hotel management is the quality alteration. Sometimes outsourcing may not prove to be the best approach for managers who wish to maintain service quality to customers. This is because partial outsourcing to different organizations may differ regarding quality thus creating a different version of a given product and service rather than creating consistency. The second drawback for outsourcing is that it may lead to employees’ layoff due to its cheaper costs (Dolgui and Proth, 2013). Some employees may end up losing their jobs in an instance where an organization decides to employ an outsourcing approach. For example, the hotel management online payment approach may lead to losing of jobs for cashiers and accountants. Outsourcing is also associated with labor issues in instances whereby employees from different organization lack sufficient knowledge of what is expected of them. The third drawback of outsourcing is the ignorance to legal compliance and security. Some managers often assume acquiring formal legal documentation of the outsourcing process thus leading to conflicts in cases of breach of contracts or agreement. It is important for investors to ensure that the outsourcing process is legal and that both concerned parties retain a copy of the agreement. Another outsourcing problem is that it may not solve all the customer needs especially in a situation whereby outsourcing is granted to a different nation with dissimilar interest to the organization in place (Carruth et al., 2013). For instance, giving a call center to a country that speaks the different language to that of several customers may lead to customer demand dissatisfaction. Accommodation management planning sector is influenced by three main factors which are; priority, company resource and forecasting (, 2017). Most accommodation industries often aim at generating revenues thus altering the planning process of other projects within the industry. For instance, an accommodation agency may give more priority to customer satisfaction and ignore investing in active planning processes that will enhance customer satisfaction. Lack of sufficient company resources may prevent accommodation managers from achieving their planned goals. For example, an organization may have an intention of expanding its customer capacity and capital butt lack enough financial resources to do so. Inappropriate forecasting in accommodation management makes it difficult to plan for the success achievement of the accommodation services (Pereira, 2016). For instance, a forecast in the change of the accommodation material prices may interfere with the accommodation agency planned budget. Some of the issues contributing to controlling influence in accommodation management are; culture, financial administration, and customer service  Culture influence on accommodation management is prevalent in global accommodation services whereby people from the diverse community would prefer other accommodation services to others due to various cultural services offered (Ali & Amin, 2014). Customer service provision is a major controlling influence in accommodation management as it determines the incomes earning of an agency. Proper handling of customers enhances better accommodation agency growth while poor customer service limits an agency controlling influence for growth. Financial management determines the controlling influence in accommodation management. Proper financial management enhances the strategic development of the set goals while poor fiscal management makes it difficult for an organization to control their expenditure. The first importance of handling customer and their needs is to ensure that client's grievances are heard and appropriately addressed thus ensuring customer satisfaction with the service offered to them. The other relevance of handling customer needs id to enhance the better relationship between customers and an enterprise. A well-developed customer relation promotes a company brand as it creates trust a feeling of allegiance among customers to the enterprise. Addressing customer needs and handling customers contributes to organization stability as happy customers often have a trend of coming back for better services. Therefore, addressing customer needs and managing customers in a friendly manner will contribute to the increase of organization net incomes. Handling customers with respect is also a method that an organization can use in popularizing their brand as customers are more likely to give positive feedback on the services they have received. Positive feedback, especially in business scenario, has the capacity of growing organization segmentation as positive feedback attracts more clients (Cambra-Fierro, Melero and Sese, 2015) Accommodation is one of the most delicate departments in the service industry, overcoming accommodation challenges needs the manager to address issues dealing with planning and proper customer management as these are the two largest contributors to accommodation challenges (Berman, 2015). An alteration of resource within one part or department of the accommodation industry may thus cause interference of the entire unit. Ali, F. and Amin, M., 2014. The influence of physical environment on culture, customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions in the Chinese resort hotel industry. Journal of International Business Advancement, 7(3), pp.249-266. (2017). The hotel industry: our experts discuss the mega trends. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Apr. 2017]. Berman, E., 2015. Performance and productivity in public and nonprofitable organizations. Routledge. Cambra-Fierro, J., Melero, I., and Sese, F.J., 2015. Managing Complaints to improve customer profitability. Journal of Retailing, 91(1), pp.109-124. Caruth, D., Haden, S.S. and Caruth, G.D, 2013. Critical factors in human resource outsourcing. Journal of Management Research, 13(3), p.1. Dolgui, A. and Perth, J.M., 2013. Outsourcing: definitions and analysis. 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An introduction to helpful forecasting methods in revenue management of hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 58, pp.13-23. Research, H. (2017). Marketing BPO Will Significance on the CMOs of Tomorrow. [online] Outsource magazine: thought-leadership and outsourcing strategy. Available at: [Accessed 4 Apr. 2017]. (2017). Factors That Affect Planning in an Organization. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Apr. 2017]. Sparrow, P., Brewster, C. and Chung, C., 2016. Globalizing human resource management. Routledge (2017). The associations between training outsourcing and employee commitment in an organization content: Human Resource Development International: Vol 17, No 2. [online] Accessed from; [Accessed 4 Apr. 2017]. Wuyts, S., Rindfleisch, A. and Citrin, A., 2015. Outsourcing customer support: The role of provider customer focus. Journal of Operations Management, 35, pp.40-55
Saturday, November 2, 2019
End of Life Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
End of Life Paper - Essay Example (Morgan, 2009). The parents, siblings and the health care providers are only left to grieve the loss of such a young life. The primary philosophy behind palliative care is to assist the patients and their families in achieving the best quality of life and to die peacefully and comfortably with dignity. For children, it is the active total care of the child’s body, mind, and spirit, as well as a means of providing support to the family. Part one of this paper will address the kind of nursing care needed for children who are dying and things to be taken into consideration for dying children. There are common diagnoses that affect the length of life of children including prematurity, chromosomal defects, cancer, AIDS, congenital anomalies among others. However among the diseases considered to be life-limiting, the one ignored most and considered not to be palliative care is the wound care. Though contradictory, child patients nearing their death can benefit from the curative aspects of wound healing. A wound can have a devastating effect on the child patient’s quality of dying thus one kind of care that I would engage as a nurse. Dying is a natural part of life and is usually filled with mixed emotions and times of reflection for both the dying person and the caregiver. However when a child dies, it seems like a massive failure that such a young life had to be lost. Seated next to her bed, my niece could barely talk. It was difficult to accept the fate of our beloved child; letting go of the hopes for a long-term future with her. As a nurse and her caregiver, I had to accept what was happening including my role as a caregiver with new demands and duties; making her comfortable. It became obvious that taking care of a child or teenager with such a life-limiting condition is a daunting and challenging task emotionally and practically as it requires specific support and skills, unlike for an adult suffering from such conditions.
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