Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ece Developmentally Appropriate Practice - 818 Words

Assignment #1 Developmentally Appropriate Practice When trying to come up with my teaching philosophy, I quickly realized that â€Å"one size fits all† teaching is not for me. I needed to combine many methods to make my style fit the many personalities and learning styles of my students. With all of the learning styles that students exhibit I do not see how a teacher could simply teach with one philosophy all of the time. If a teacher chooses to lecture all the time, how will the kinesthetic and visual learners, who make up the biggest percentage of the population, understand the material? Due to the low self-esteem of many of the children in today’s society I believe that teachers need to be extremely cautious when criticizing a†¦show more content†¦Without pressure, I feel the students would want to come and learn and to be with fellow students who have common interests and want to learn together, plus get to do what they enjoy doing anyway. Children learn so much better when their affective filter is down. The role of the teacher is to expose the students to the materials and subjects that are available, make them aware of their surroundings, help each one individually through the process, and help them create in an open, free, and stimulating environment. I feel that by allowing a student to have his/her own individuality without pressure, it provides the perfect opportunity to be creative and self-expressive, to let thoughts flow. There is a lot of diversity in schools just like there is a lot of diversity in the real world. I believe that Existentialism helps both teachers and students realize this. Work Cited: Home/Departments/Teaching Kostelinik, M.J, Soderman, A.K. Wiren, A. P. (2011). Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education. 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