Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Marketing Project Example

Marketing Project Example Marketing Project Example The marketing project example is the type of creative work aimed to successfully advertise products or services. Â  In the modern world, the trend of preferring local producers of all the possible goods is becoming more popular every year. People tend to believe that a local producer would have the best quality of grocery or other goods just because they are produced in the area around consumers. That is why, the marketing project example is going to describe the campaign designed for the local company. To start the local company, an entrepreneur should do a huge amount of work. An essential step is to conduct a marketing campaign about the product of the future company to find out the market size, possible revenue, and volume of sales. The company, which would be the scope of the research is the new grocery store with one hundred percent natural, GMO and pesticides free products. The first step of each marketing campaign is setting the goal of it. It sounds slightly easy but each purpose of sales or marketing should have different campaigns, which use different tools and methods to operate it. In the case of launching a new local grocery brand, the marketing campaign should answer the questions about intended volume of sales, market size, and expectations about profit. The deadline for this marketing project completion is three months, which is enough to conduct an extensive research and analyze the obtained results. The success of the marketing project and its level of confidence mainly depends on the methods of marketing research, which were to create this project. It means that methodology should be chosen very carefully. In the case of a new grocery store, it was decided to choose an effective mix of methods, which would provide both scientific and ‘field’ data. Firstly, focus-group method would be applied. It would help to get the scientific social information about the intended consumers of this area and to assess the prospects of the new store. The second method would be the observation of the real grocery events during two months. It would provide the marketing specialists with the most relevant information, which is gathered ‘on the field’. The reason of choosing those two methods is because they support each other. One is very credible with small groups, but still is a sociological one, which means that it could have irrelevant data because of the focus-group size. Another method is not so exact, but it provides a general idea about the market and prospects of the new brand. After two months, the research specialists could start working with gathered information to organize it into the proper marketing project summary. The obtained information was gathered by fifty focus groups; each consisted of fifteen people with a different demographic background. Furthermore, the analysis of eleven events from the intended market, for instance, weekend grocery markets or thematic events of this industry have also given some relevant info. The marketing specialists made an excellent job to analyze the obtained data, using the last version of STATISTICS software. The marketing project is credible and relevant, which is shown by the 95 percent confidence of the obtained data. References Hall, R. (2009). Brilliant marketing. Harlow, England: Pearson Prentice Hall. Kerin, R., Hartley, S., Rudelius, W. (2009). Marketing. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Peck, D. (2011). Think before you engage. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley Sons. Treadaway, C. Smith, M. (2010). Facebook marketing. Indianapolis: Wiley Pub.

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