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On The Job Training free essay sample
On-the-Job-Training or OJT is job training that occurs in the work place. It has many advantages, but it can also have a few disadvantages if the OJT is not planned and executed properly. It is part of a college curriculum that aims to train and orient students about the work and their future career. It is very important not only to teach students their chosen career but to show students the reality about working. On-the-job training, also known as OJT, is teaching the skills, knowledge, and competencies that are needed to perform a specific job within the workplace and work environment. On-the-job training uses the regular or existing workplace tools, machines, documents, equipment, knowledge and skills necessary for a student to learn to effectively perform his or her job in the future. It occurs within the normal working environment an employee will experience on the job. It may occur as the student performs actual work or it may occur elsewhere within the workplace using training rooms, training work stations, or training equipment. We will write a custom essay sample on On The Job Training or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While the goal of OJT is often to teach basic workplace skills, it also instills aspects of the workplace culture and performance expectations. OJT is also the approach organizations use to provide student trainees on-boarding information. It means that skills can be gained while trainees are carrying out their jobs. This benefits both student trainees and the business. Student Trainees learn in the real work environment and gain experience dealing with the tasks and challenges that they will meet during a normal working day. The business benefits by ensuring that the training is specific to the job. It also does not have to meet the additional costs of providing off-the-job training or losing working time. There are several methods of providing on-the-job training. Four frequently used methods are briefly described here: Coaching – an experienced member of staff will help trainees learn skills and processes through providing instructions or demonstrations (or both). Mentoring – each trainee is allocated to an established member of staff who acts as a guide and helper. A mentor usually offers more personal support than a coach, although the terms ‘mentor’ and ‘coach’ are often used interchangeably. Job rotation – this is where members of staff rotate roles or tasks so that they gain experience of a full range of jobs. ‘Sitting next to Nellie’ – this describes the process of working alongside a colleague to observe and learn the skills needed for a particular process. This can be a faster and more useful way of learning a job role than studying a written manual. The colleague is always on hand to answer any questions or deal with any unexpected problems. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY OS 225 – Office Practicum Course Description This is a training course applying new and previously developed office skills, abilities, and values in actual training. This also involves classroom instructions characterized by a review of general office procedures and application through job exercises. Moreover, simple cases on making decisions and solving problems are discussed. Practical on the job training in an office for 300 hours is the highlight of the course. Credit: 6 units (3 hours lecture, 3 hours coordination per week) Prerequisites: OS 113, OS 121, OS 141, OS 210 to be taken simultaneously Objectives: General Prepare for tomorrow’s office by applying the learned general office procedures in a more realistic approach. Specific 1. Recognize the wide of opportunities of advancement in office work in preparation in a more realistic approach. 2. Applying previously learned skills and knowledge in actual on the training. 3. Integrate previous learning to the level of competencies required to meet business standards. 4. Discharge effectively the duties of the secretary in taking down minutes of meeting 5. Exhibit the ability to coordinate satisfactorily all occupational training in an office job. 6. Write application letters effectively. 7. Develop ability to undergo interview. Values Aims: 1. Develop desirable personality character traits essential to success for office workers. 2. Demonstrate desirable personality character essential to success for office workers. 3. Develop love for work, desirable traits such as efficiency, punctuality, and accuracy, etc. Course Contents Time Allotment FIRST GRADING I. Orientation 2 hours A. PUP Philosophy, Mission and Strategies B. COED Philosophy, Mission and Objectives C. BOA Mission and Objective D. Course Contents, Requirement and Expectations 1. The Cooperative Program 2. Course Requirement 3. Opportunities for Advancement E. Filling up necessary forms for the on-the-job training 1. Personal date / application form 2. Training memorandum sheet 3. Training evaluation sheet II. Looking for a Job3 hours A. Sources of job opening 1. Newspaper advertisements 2. Placement agency 3. Relatives, friends etc. 4. Others B. Preparing and writing application letter 1. Mechanics of an application letter 2. Personal date sheet/bio-data C. Preparing for interview III. Review General Office Procedures6 hours A. Messengerial 1. Delivering mail 2. Running errands 3. Others B. Routinary 1. Screening telephone calls 2. Transferring telephone calls 3. Ushering visitors 4. Sorting files 5. Retrieving files 6. Indexing 7. Typing rough drafts 8. Typing receipts IV. The Secretary-Position and Qualification6 hours A. The Secretary Position 1. Secretary defined 2. Natural of Secretarial Work a. Factors affecting the nature of secretarial work b. Specialized secretarial work 3. Medical 4. Legal 5. Technical B. Specific Duties and Functions of the Secretary C. Handling callers-telephone callers and office callers 1. Types of Caller 2. Telephone Techniques D. Handling appointments 1. Accepting appointments 2. Cancelling appointments E. Filing 1. Basic filing systems and procedures 2. Arrangements of files 3. Types of files 4. Filing equipment and supplies SECOND GRADING F. Dictation and Transcription6 hours 1. The secretary as an A-1 Stenographer 2. Dictation procedures a. Tools used in taking dictation b. Answering the call for dictation c. Proper procedures in taking dictation d. Handling interruptions, pauses, changes while taking dictation e. Dictation problems f. Ending the dictation g. Developing dictation habit 3. Transcriptions System a. Nature of Transcription process 1. Pre-transcription process 2. Transcription aids and techniques 3. Corrects and changes in the dictated material 4. Preparing transcribed material for executive’s signature A. Features of mail able letter 5. Using sources of information a. Standard secretarial references b. References-directories on business concerns and people c. General information G. Handling mails and telegrams 1 Procedures in handling incoming outgoing mails 2 Classes of mails 3. Sending and receiving telegrams 4. Handling meeting and conferences H. Business meetings, conferences, and conventions a. Definitions of meetings, conferences, and conventions b. Major classification of business meetings 1. In house business meetings 2. Off premises meetings c. Distinction between formal and informal meetings 1. Preparations for meetings, conferences, and conventions a. In-house meetings readiness b. Editing and preparing meeting room materials c. Special arrangement for services 2. Duties of the secretary during meetings, conferences, and conventions a. In-house meeting room readiness b. Checklist of arrangement for outside meetings, etc. c. Receiving conference guests 3. Follow-up after meetings, conferences, and conventions a. Duties and activities depend upon whether the executive or boss is the chairperson in meeting b. Preparing for conferences and correspondences, reports meetings, and notation 4. Taking minutes of the meeting a. Preparing for the meeting b. Knowledge of meeting procedures 1. Familiarity with the order of business 2. Recording basic facts about the meeting c Transcribing the minutes of the meeting 1. Knowledge of the format 2. Composing the rough draft 3. Typing minutes in final form 4. Keeping books of the minutes 6. The secretary chair in the meeting a. planning ahead of the meeting b. Application of the parliamentary procedures c. The secretary addresses an audience V. The secretary in the personnel department6 hours A. Function of the personnel Department B. Duties and responsibilities of the secretary in the personnel department 1. Administrative work a. receiving job applicants b. interviewing the applicants c. administering tests 2. Liaison work a. facilitating social and insurance, medical, etc†¦ in proper agencies 3. Clerical work a. Controlling records of personnel 1. Procedures of record keeping 2. Records used in the personnel department b. Entertaining callers c. Scheduling interviews for job applicants Testing and Evaluation A. First Grading 1. Class Standing2/3 a. Recitation b. Quizzes c. Job exercises d. Problem Solving e. Others2 2. Department Test 1/3 a. Midterm B. Second Grading 1. Class Standing1/3 a. Recitation b. Quizzes c. Job Exercises d. Manual 2. Department Test1/3 a. Final Test 3. Actual on-the-job evaluation Final Grade = First grading (1/3) + Second Grading (2/3) Suggested Activities 1. Note taking from lectures 2. Reading from magazines, newspapers, and references dealing with relevant topics 3. Demonstrations and/or illustrations using visual aids like diagrams or charts on relevant subject 4. Skit presentations on relevant topics/role playing 5. Socialize recitations 6. Reporting on certain topics 7. Problem solving on isolated cases 8. Exercise in the application of the rules on indexing 9. Answering job exercises 10. Typing from letters and blank forms 11. Actual on-the-job training in an office completing 300 hours STATEMENT OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT: There is a problem in implementing the program of our on-the-job training in our country, one example is that most of the time, the student trainee is not engaged in the jobs that is related to his/her course in that way of implementing the training, the learning that the student may acquire will not be related to his/her career in the future, thus, the training will be in vain. This feasibility study will determine the problems that a student trainee encounters in his/her On-the-Job training and sought to answer the following questions: 1. Did the student trainee have a meaningful task in his/her training? 2. Was the task assigned to the trainee related to his/her course? 3. Did the student trainee have regular supervision and guidance? 4. Did the student trainee acquire new skills in his/her training? PROJECT FRAMEWORK APPROACH: THEORY BASED PRINCIPLE Kirkpatricks Four-Level Training Evaluation Model Analyzing Training Effectiveness If you deliver training for your team or your organization, then you probably know how important it is to measure its effectiveness. After all, you dont want to spend time or money on training that doesnt provide a good return. This is where Kirkpatricks Four-Level Training Evaluation Model can help you objectively analyze the effectiveness and impact of your training, so that you can improve it in the future. In this article, well look at each of the Kirkpatrick four levels, and well examine how you can apply the model to evaluate training. Well also look at some of the situations where the model may not be useful. The Four Levels Donald Kirkpatrick, Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin and past president of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), first published his Four-Level Training Evaluation Model in 1959, in the US Training and Development Journal. The model was then updated in 1975, and again in 1994, when he published his best-known work, Evaluating Training Programs. The four levels are: 1. Reaction. 2. Learning. 3. Behavior. 4. Results. Lets look at each level in greater detail. Level 1: Reaction This level measures how your trainees (the people being trained), reacted to the training. Obviously, you want them to feel that the training was a valuable experience, and you want them to feel good about the instructor, the topic, the material, its presentation, and the venue. Its important to measure reaction, because it helps you understand how well the training was received by your audience. It also helps you improve the training for future trainees, including identifying important areas or topics that are missing from the training. Level 2: Learning At level 2, you measure what your trainees have learned. How much has their knowledge increased as a result of the training? When you planned the training session, you hopefully started with a list of specific learning objectives: these should be the starting point for your measurement. Keep in mind that you can measure learning in different ways depending on these objectives, and depending on whether youre interested in changes to knowledge, skills, or attitude. Its important to measure this, because knowing what your trainees are learning and what they arent will help you improve future training. Level 3: Behavior At this level, you evaluate how far your trainees have changed their behavior, based on the training they received. Specifically, this looks at how trainees apply the information. Its important to realize that behavior can only change if conditions are favorable. For instance, imagine youve skipped measurement at the first two Kirkpatrick levels and, when looking at your groups behavior, you determine that no behavior change has taken place. Therefore, you assume that your trainees havent learned anything and that the training was ineffective. However, just because behavior hasnt changed, it doesnt mean that trainees havent learned anything. Perhaps their boss wont let them apply new knowledge. Or, maybe theyve learned everything you taught, but they have no desire to apply the knowledge themselves. Level 4: Results At this level, you analyze the final results of your training. This includes outcomes that you or your organization have determined to be good for business, good for the employees, or good for the bottom line. How to Apply the Model Level 1: Reaction Start by identifying how youll measure reaction. Consider addressing these questions: Did the trainees feel that the training was worth their time? Did they think that it was successful? What were the biggest strengths of the training, and the biggest weaknesses? Did they like the venue and presentation style? Did the training session accommodate their personal learning styles ? Next, identify how you want to measure these reactions. To do this youll typically use employee satisfaction surveys or questionnaires; however you can also watch trainees body language during the training, and get verbal feedback by asking trainees directly about their experience. Once youve gathered this information, look at it carefully. Then, think about what changes you could make, based on your trainees feedback and suggestions. Level 2: Learning To measure learning, start by identifying what you want to evaluate. (These things could be changes in knowledge, skills, or attitudes. ) Its often helpful to measure these areas both before and after training. So, before training commences, test your trainees to determine their knowledge, skill levels, and attitudes. Once training is finished, test your trainees a second time to measure what they have learned, or measure learning with interviews or verbal assessments. Level 3: Behavior It can be challenging to measure behavior effectively. This is a longer-term activity that should take place weeks or months after the initial training. Consider these questions: Did the trainees put any of their learning to use? Are trainees able to teach their new knowledge, skills, or attitudes to other people? Are trainees aware that theyve changed their behavior? One of the best ways to measure behavior is to conduct observations and interviews over time. Also, keep in mind that behavior will only change if conditions are favorable. For instance, effective learning could have taken place in the training session. But, if the overall organizational culture isnt set up for any behavior changes, the trainees might not be able to apply what theyve learned. Alternatively, trainees might not receive support, recognition, or reward for their behavior change from their boss. So, over time, they disregard the skills or knowledge that they have learned, and go back to their old behaviors. Level 4: Results Of all the levels, measuring the final results of the training is likely to be the most costly and time consuming. The biggest challenges are identifying which outcomes, benefits, or final results are most closely linked to the training, and coming up with an effective way to measure these outcomes over the long term. Here are some outcomes to consider, depending on the objectives of your training: Increased employee retention. Increased production. Higher morale. Reduced waste. Increased sales. Higher quality ratings. Increased customer satisfaction. Fewer staff complaints. Considerations Although Kirkpatricks Four-Level Training Evaluation Model is popular and widely used, there are a number of considerations that need to be taken into account when using the model. One issue is that it can be time-consuming and expensive to use levels 3 or 4 of the model, so its not practical for all organizations and situations. This is especially the case for organizations that dont have a dedicated training or human resource department, or for one-off training sessions or programs. In a similar way, it can be expensive and resource intensive to wire up an organization to collect data with the sole purpose of evaluating training at levels 3 and 4. (Whether or not this is practical depends on the systems already in place within the organization. ) The model also assumes that each levels importance is greater than the last level, and that all levels are linked. For instance, it implies that Reaction is less important, ultimately, than Results, and that reactions must be positive for learning to take place. In practice, this may not be the case. Most importantly, organizations change in many ways, and behaviors and results change depending on these, as well as on training. For example, measurable improvements in areas like retention and productivity could result from the arrival of a new boss or from a new computer system, rather than from training. Kirkpatricks model is great for trying to evaluate training in a scientific way, however, so many variables can be changing in fast-changing organizations that analysis at level 4 can be limited in usefulness. Key Points The Kirkpatrick Four-Level Training Evaluation Model helps trainers to measure the effectiveness of their training in an objective way. The model was originally created by Donald Kirkpatrick in 1959, and has since gone through several updates and revisions. The Four-Levels are as follows: 1. Reaction. 2. Learning. 3. Behavior. 4. Results. By going through and analyzing each of these four levels, you can gain a thorough understanding of how effective your training was, and how you can improve in the future. Bear in mind that the model isnt practical in all situations, and that measuring the effectiveness of training with the model can be time-consuming and use a lot of resources. CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE PROJECT: 1. The input contains the problems encountered by the student trainees and the theories that the researchers used as a basis of pursuing this study. 2. The process involves a survey questionnaire that was disseminated to the students of PUPQC, the researchers also have an interview. The process also involves the implementation of the OJT program that is based on the practicum syllabus of the PUPQC, it also involves the memorandum of agreement that was between the school and the company and the process also involves coordination to the administrators of PUPQC. net and to the president of the vox nova, the official publication of PUPQC. 3. The expected output of this study will be a tie-up with PUPQC and the company who will implement the OJT program of PUPQC and the those trusted companies will be advertised in the PUPQC. net and will be included in the publication of Vox Nova. The program process CONTEXTUALIZATION OF THE PROJECT The Program process explained The on-the-job student trainees of PUPQC will let the on-the-job training hunters seek for a company where they can have their on-the-job training and where the OJT program is executed properly. The on-the-job training hunters will be the ones who will process the application of the on-the-job student trainees of PUPQC, they will be paid for this service, and after they found a company that is willing to implement the OJT program of PUPQC, the OJT student will now be sent to the office for physical appearance and exams to be able to be accepted to the recommended company, after the student trainees were accepted in the recommended company, the OJT professor and the OJT hunters will monitor the company, if the trainees are trained properly and if the OJT program is executed properly. If they found out that the student trainees is being trained well and the OJT program is executed properly the company will be given a certificate that will certify them as an industrial partner of PUP, and their company logo and profile will be advertised at the PUPQC. net and to the Vox Nova (the official publication of PUPQC), and they will be given a booth each and every time that there is a job fair in PUP. KEY ASSUMPTIONS Nowadays, On-the-job trainees have no special training and not designated to his/her course or designated but not requiring them of job rotation causing to limited learning. On-the-Job-Training with industrial partners will be the way for the On the Job training program to be implemented properly. CHAPTER 2-TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY Technical Requirements A detailed description of technical requirements, usually with specific acceptance criteria, stated in terms suitable to form the basis for the actual design development and production processes of an item having the qualities specified in the operational characteristics. Existence On-The-Job Training program for students is always available in companies with different nature in the Philippines. OJT is a part of curriculum of every college and university in the Philippines. Economist Bernardo Villegas reports that DTS graduates in the Philippines are more than just skilled technicians. Besides their technical skills, Villegas adds, they are steeped in virtues and work values that make them contribute significantly to their company’s productivity and esteemed citizen-workers in their communities. In 2009, there were 348 TESDA accredited companies and 57 schools in the DTS program. Some 1, 009 trainees were enrolled in various training qualifications and 1,187 trainees competed their training during the year. DTS model implementors include the partnerships of Punlaan School and EDSA Shangri-la Hotel for food and beverage services and Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial School of Arts and Trades and Fujitso Ten Corporation, Philippines in electronics technology. Foreign chambers of commerce based in Manila acknowledge the advantages of dual training and the need for students to undergo longer and rigorous internships in companies to equip them with better skills. Chris Ward, board member of the Australia-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce, said that there is a need to develop a dual training program where college students will have longer working hours in companies. The Meralco Technological Institute (formerly Meralco Foundation) has been offering scholarships for two-year DTS courses in automotive and motorcycle technology, industrial mechatronics, refrigeration and air-conditioning, network administration, and marine technology. The dual training system in the Philippines One of the more preferred training modality for enterprise-based training in the Philippines today is the dual training system (DTS) being implemented by TESDA. The DTS, as its name suggests, is a training modality that combines theoretical and practical training. It is called dual training because learning takes place alternately in two venues: the school or training center and the company or workshop. In DTS, the school and workplace share the responsibility of providing trainees with well-coordinated learning experiences and opportunities. This close cooperation between the school and the company ensures that the trainees are fully equipped with employable skills, work knowledge, and attitudes at the end of the training. The general and occupation-related theoretical instruction provided by the school is complemented by on-the-job training in the workplace. Trainees under the DTS spend at least 40 percent of the training/learning time in school and 60 percent for practical training in the company. Dual approach in training The dual approach in education and training has been put to work in such country programs as apprenticeship, on-the-job training, supervised industry training, practicum and internship. The German model of the DTS was first introduced in the Philippines in the 1980s through a joint project of the Southeast Asian Science Foundation and the Hanns Seidel Foundation in the pioneer school- Dualtech Training Center. The Dualtech experience was replicated in select public and private technical schools nationwide by the then Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education in 1991. In February 1994, President Fidel V. Ramos signed into law Republic Act No. 7686 or the Dual Training System Act of 1994 which calls for the institutionalization of the DTS in accredited public and private educational institutions, training centers, and agricultural, industrial and business establishments. Under the DTS Law, TESDA is mandated to promote, coordinate, and administer the dual training system. The school-industry partnership component of the system is a vital determinant of program success and effectiveness. They start working together in making the training plan and determining the best way by which the trainee can learn as much knowledge and skills during the training period. Two training venues In school, the trainee learns basic trade theory, work values, good citizenship, safety and related theory subjects in mathematics, drawing and social sciences. At the company or workshop, the trainees learn job skills through practical exercises using state of the art technology. Aside from technical skills, the trainees also learn good work habits and how to get along well with others. The many benefits for the trainee, school or training institution, and the company made the DTS click as a training modality. The trainees’ access to the expertise and resources available and the well-coordinated delivery of instructional activities in both learning venues guarantees quality and relevant training. DTS graduates are equipped with up-to-date and appropriate work knowledge, skills and attitudes making them highly competitive and â€Å"wanted†in the labor market. The companies’ participation in drawing up the DTS training plan helps ensure that the workers being trained are the type and quality that industry requires. Optimum use of school and company facilities and resources allows the admission of more trainees- mostly from poor families who have no means of attending vocational training courses in fee-charging schools and training centers. Availability On the job training is offered in many different firms in the Philippines. Nowadays, there are several companies in the Philippines who have an On-The-Job training program it includes the government sector and the private sector as well, in the private sector there are different industries that are using On-The-Job training program, we have the manufacturing industry, service industry, merchandising industry. Many firms nowadays especially in government agencies, do not give allowances to their student trainees, and the job that they provide for their student trainee is not related to the course of the trainee. Limitations and Constraints Some of the firms are taking the on the job training for students, lightly. Thus, we have formed these agreements in our Memorandum-of-agreement to ensure that the student trainees will be engage in actual jobs that is related to their courses. The limitations and constraints of this project, is based on the memorandum-of-agreement issued by the university/college to the company who will implement the propose project. These are the following terms and conditions included in the MOA: A. The UNIVERSITY shall: 1. provide the on-the-job student-trainee the basic orientation on work values, behavior, and discipline to ensure smooth cooperation with the COMPANY; 2. issue an official endorsement vouching for the well being of the on-the-job student-trainee which shall be used by the COMPANY for processing the application of the student-trainee; 3. coordinate with the company/office/firm on the implementation of the existing training standard; 4. require trainee to keep updated report book ready for inspection at any given time; 5. provide administrative support for the monitoring of attendance and performance of the trainees undergoing on-the-job training; 6. ensure that the provision of this agreement are properly implemented and coordinated in the company for the purpose of ensuring high standard of training under the ______________________(course of student). B. The COMPANY shall: 1. Not be obliged to employ student-trainee upon completion of the training; but the COMPANY may absorb a student-trainee who has an outstanding performance. 2. require qualified students to submit themselves to examinations, interviews, and file pertinent documents to support their application; 3. assure that the trainees proper work values and attitude are matched with the company’s requirements or corporate values and culture. 4. accommodate trainees for supervised in-plant training for a period of _________ hours; 5. make available, free of charge, the consumable materials and basic hand tools and equipment necessary for the training; 6. Designate trainees to respective workstation eight hours daily and may be requested to work beyond eight hours and be paid accordingly. Provided, there are no regular workers to do the job and the job is of the kind where the trainee has already demonstrated high proficiency. The excess hour rendered shall be paid training allowance based on the overtime scheme of the company; 7. allow practicum coordinator of ________(name of school) to visit the station at least four days in a month to monitor the status of the program; 8. ensure that the provisions of this agreement are properly implemented and coordinated with PUP QC for the purpose of ensuring high standards of training under the program; 9. provide first-aid assistance to the trainee when injured while in the performance of his/her assigned task. C. The STUDENT shall: 1. Be personally responsible for any and all liabilities arising from negligence in the performance of his/her duties and functions while under training. D. The following terms and conditions are likewise included: 1. The COMPANY reserves the right to discontinue the On-the-Job Training of the trainee on reasonable grounds upon written notice to the party of the first part. The discontinuation shall take effect immediately upon receipt of the said notice. The reasonable grounds that may terminate the trainees training are the following: Habitual absenteeism from in-plant and related theoretical instruction. Willful disobedience of company rules or insubordination to lawful order of superior; Poor physical condition, permanent disability or prolonged illness which incapacitates the trainee from working; Theft or malicious destruction of company property and or equipment; Inefficiency of performance on the in-plant/school training for a prolonged period despite warnings duly given to the trainee. Engaging in violence or other form of gross misconduct inside the company’s premises. 2. The University may likewise, pull-out trainees from the in-plant training for reasonable grounds after a written no
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